Monday, 7 May 2012

School's Out

So it's been a while since I last posted. The reason for that is because not many significant things have happened. My first exam (Chemistry) is a week today so, naturally, I'm doing everything other than studying. Yesterday I impulsively baked and decorated a cake and began to construct a collage out of pictures of David Bowie. It was enjoyable, but it won't help me do well in my exams.

Last Tuesday, however, was my last day at secondary school. As expected, a lot of people were crying but I could tell that others, like myself, were quietly celebrating. It's not that I won't miss these people, because I will, it's just that I'm really fed up with being at school. I'll probably have a celebration after my last exam because I will never have to involuntarily return to that building, with it's noisy corridors permanently swamped by a sea of brown (yes, my uniform is brown; it's horrific). Also, to make things worse, I was ill on the last day. And I'm never ill. I felt rotten the whole time and when people were approaching me for goodbye-hugs (teachers included), I had to desperately try and stop myself from coughing all over their hair.

One last thing, I have already encountered some rather excited hopeful applicants for 2013 entry Medicine so I may type up some advice posts in the next couple of months about the UKCAT, work experience, personal statements etc. I was very grateful for additional help last year so I might as well do my bit this year. I might also tell you a little bit about my trip to Colombia this summer which I am really excited and bloody terrified about!

To those of you who are sitting exams soon, good luck! 

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